Direttore: Furia Valori
Vice Direttore e Resp. del Comitato Scientifico: Marco Casucci
Comitato Scientifico: Daniel Arasa, Mariano Bianca, Marco Casucci, Luigi Cimmino, Gianfranco Dalmasso, Markus Krienke, Massimiliano Marianelli, Letterio Mauro, Edoardo Mirri (+), Marco Moschini, Giuseppe Nicolaci, Paolo Piccari, Silvano Zucal, Martino Bozza
Redazione segreteria editoriale: Marco Casucci, Samy Abu Eideh, Pavao Žitko, Francesco Porchia.
The artificiality of the empirical concept of nature. Piero Martinetti and Teodorico Moretti-Costanzi in comparison with Spinoza.
Piero Martinetti and Teodorico Moretti-Costanzi are two significant exponents of the twentieth-century philosophical horizon of spiritualism. Each of the two authors deepens his or her thought within this horizon in an absolutely different and personal manner, but it is very significant how, with respect to the theme of nature, the outcome of the two reflections appears to converge on similar conclusions. The horizon that opens up is that of a nature that, without reference to a foundation, capable of motivating and legitimising its perfect regularity, remains merely a human artifice for the description of the empirical dimension of reality.
Keywords: Nature; Foundation; Artificial; Empirical; Ontology.
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“Nature” between immanence and dialectics. Why there is no nature in the philosophy of Spinoza according to Hegel: a critique of the accusation of acosmism.
The aim of this article is to discuss a philosophical, more precisely ontological, perspective on “nature” between dialectics and immanence. According to Hegel, nature and the world are non-existent in Spinoza’s philosophy and substance as the cause and principle of everything is indeterminable. Spinozism is acosmism since nothing has really begun to be(come). Based on the “with-what” Hegel begins to philosophize, an attempt is first made to trace, why, according to Hegel, Spinozism is understood as acosmism. Through a critique of the acosmistic interpretation of Spinoza, it will be shown that with a non-acosmistic reading of Spinoza, Hegel’s dialectical thinking itself is questioned with regards to how “nature” can be conceived. According to Hegel, “nature” as landscape with its phenomena – mountains, rivers, seas, valleys – is without concept and therefore inanimate, since there is no referentiality between its different elements, as is the case with the Spinozian substance and its manifestations.
Keywords: Nature; Acosmism, Thinking of the Beginning, Beginning of Thinking, Dialectics, Immanence.
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The other nature and Leopardi’s skepsis
The complex question of Nature is one of the most discussed themes in Leopardi's philosophy. The theme is reconsidered here under two aspects: firstly, by inserting it within the framework of the rival scientific paradigms of matter and life; and secondly, by inserting it in the evolution and restless polyphony of Leopardi’s thought, with particular reference to the underlying skepsis that tends to rebalance the most extreme versions of a nature that appears – under various names and guises – now «benign», now «stepmotherly», and finally guilty of all evil. Beyond the worn-out formulas to the opposite excess of removal (think of the forms of Leopardi’s pessimism), it’s about questioning more deeply the other nature – «almost of another species» – to which Leopardi often alludes, beyond the mere preservation of matter and bare life itself. Moreover, reorienting Leopardi’s problem of nature into a new ecocentric perspective would make it possible to overcome the anthropocentric vice that remains at the root of all human hybris. In this direction it would be possible to recover a less dramatic confrontation with the archetype of Mother Earth (Gaia), without forgetting that «nobil natura» is represented, for Leopardi, by the «flower of the desert».
Keywords: Leopardi, Nature, matter-life antinomy, skepticism, ecocentrism.
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On the Way to Nature: a Course through Emerson’s and Thoreau’s “Poetizing Thinking”
The purpose of this essay is to embark on a journey through nature with Emerson and Thoreau. The two American thinkers, not only intertwined in their experiences as mentor and pupil but also profoundly contributed to providing essential guidelines for re-establishing a relationship with nature. While drawing inspiration from a certain romantic and idealistic framework, this relationship already displays a decidedly contemporary approach. On one hand, the two emphasize a strong participatory inclination towards the unfolding of nature, highlighting, at the same time, the experiential nature of a recovery that always manifests itself through the mode of "path": an essential aspect to rediscover the proper rhythm of a relationship that can never be purely intellectual but must rather traverse time and corporeality.
Keywords: Nature, Emerson, Thoreau, Time, Eternity, Man.
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Unrest crosses the cave. On culture, anguish and natural adaptation in Hans Blumenberg.
This essay focuses on H. Blumenberg’s thought concerning the human state of nature, the adaptive inability and the emergence of symbolic forms. I will discuss the assumption that the cave is an absolute metaphor, initially representing the cognitive limit of theoretical activity, and progressively becoming the fundamental paradigm of the birth of culture. A generative hermeneutical approach is taken on in order to comment on the third chapter of Höhlenausgänge from a different perspective, investigating the paradigm of the prehistoric cave as an anthropogonic myth supported by the conception of the absolutism of reality and the interpretation of the Cura’s fable. All this work is crossed by questions about the divergence of symbolic structures from organic systems, speculating on the cave's shadows as the first intentional scaffold of embedded sense-making.
Keywords: Blumenberg; Symbolic forms; Cave; Natural adaptation; Existential angst.
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Marija Gimbutas and Carolyn Merchant in a possible meeting for the Rebirth of Nature
This paper emerges from the violence, wars, climate crisis and poverty we see in today’s world and seeks to offer solutions through the philosophies of Marija Gimbutas and Carolyn Merchant. Gimbutas, with the myth of the Mother Goddess, and Merchant, with the defense of the land, come together to propose a renewed piety, an image of nature as a benevolent mother, and a new participation in the processes of the living earth. This approach fosters a socialist ecofeminist perspective which may be the only way to prepare for the future and witness a new dawn.
Keywords: Marija Gimbutas; Carolyn Merchant; Mother Goddess; Piety; Mechanism; Capitalism; Patriarchy; Hylozoism; Greed; Care; Earth Mother; Ecofeminism; Dawn.
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Man, Nature and Work: An Anthropological Perspective on Relationship in Hesiod
The work consists of going through the marks that the objects present in Jobs and Days. Taking into account the characteristics of the poem in relation to its link with work, we believe that the importance of objects in the life of the farmer is fundamental as tools capable of transforming nature.
The difference between man and animal revolves around the notion of justice, virtue and work as properly anthropological notions. Hesiod is opening the game of philosophical reflection on the subject of the human kosmos, since Zeus has granted justice to men as a tool for consolidating that universe.
From this brief theoretical framework, we propose to review the importance of objects in the scenario of work and seasonal cycles, considering that the poietic capacity is the possibility of transforming the natural topos to turn it into a human topos.
Keywords: Hesiod; Work; Objects; Cultur.
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The meaning of the notion of nature in Descartes' philosophy. Heidegger critic of Cartesianism
In this article, I will investigate the meaning of the notion of nature in Descartes' philosophy. In order to do so, I will first trace the reading of Cartesian thought given by Heidegger, who has pointedly criticised Descartes' epistemology, arguing that his logic reduces the world and the subject to an abstract oppositional relationship: thus, Descartes lost their ontological essence. Secondly, I will identify some operational definitions of nature in the Cartesian work, showing how what Descartes calls 'nature' tends to be confused with the divine reality,
thereby proving irreducible to the logical domain of subjectivity, or the objectual domain opposed to it. I will conclude my paper by specifying the relation of difference that exists,
according to Descartes, between the ego and nature.
Keywords: Descartes; Heidegger; Nature; Ego; Cogitatio.
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Returning to hierophanic nature. On the symbol of the tree in Mircea Eliade
This paper aims to contribute to a philosophical reflection on nature by focusing on the tree's symbolism as Mircea Eliade treated it.
Thanks to the tools offered by this author, we will be able to observe what the tree represents, starting from an assortment of historical-religious references.
This symbol can also speak to the spirituality of humanity today. Returning to a form of attention to the sacredness of nature is not only a historical recovery of archaic phenomena.
Eliade's ontological perspective places the sacred symbol for the benefit of a renewal of man's relationship with nature.
The study aims to question the possibility of recovering a hierophantic vision to ward off the danger of a desacralising individualism that distorts the existential
coordinates of the human being concerning nature and the cosmos.
Keywords: Hyerophany; nature; philosophy; religion; tree; sacred.
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The positive Sciences and their Failure in Regard to the Philosophy of Spirit. A Reflection on Edmund Husserl’s Lectures Nature and Spirit.
This paper aims to review some fundamental aspects of Husserlian phenomenology, focusing in particular on the Husserlian Lectures on Nature and Spirit.
The theme of the unfair opposition between a philosophy of nature and a philosophy of spirit, which Husserl deals with on several occasions in many of his published and unpublished works,
becomes important for understanding the ultimate meaning of phenomenology, which is not only to achieve a unique and first philosophy as objective knowledge and to solve Descartes’
famous problem of an absolute, of the uncountable. Rather, the goal of Husserlian philosophy is also to push for a stance on the part of human consciousness, of a meaning that runs
through history and manifests itself daily in the world-of-life, through the various significations and beyond the significations themselves.
Keywords: Nature, Spirit, Lebenswelt, Positivism.
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Nature and Transhumanism, deconstruction of the mysterium fascinans
Postmodern philosophy, from Nietzsche to Transhumanism, has destructively deconstructed the entire history of traditional ontology, which has always identified being with entities.
Nature from mysterium fascinans et tremenudum is considered manipulable and sometimes replicable matter. Man, himself, is no longer considered an unrepeatable subject by transhumanist
philosophy. The aspiration to definitively erase ageing through the profitable use of bioengineering, is only a first step towards an anthropological turning point within which even the
concept of physis itself undergoes a radical transformation. The need for a strong ethics, an open and dynamic bioethics capable of mastering this phase,
which has now begun, is the essential requirement for recreating the conditions for a reconciliation with our finitude. On the level of the anthropological challenge and biology,
the consideration concerns the clash between two visions: the conception of a science that has absolute value, functional to progress and not to the person,
and that of a science that defines itself as such to the extent that it knows how to set limits for itself, even assuming imperfection as an element of scientificity.
Keywords: Nature; Transhumanism; Technology; Man; Body.
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Nature and the Crux of the Matter. A Critique of the Practical Register of the Discourse on Nature.
This contribution demonstrates that a philosophical approach towards nature implies a variety of different ways of speaking about nature – among them a theoretical, a practical,
and an aesthetic discourse. Since I argue that the practical discourse is currently prevailing, I refer to Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit to develop a fundamental analysis and
critique of the subject’s practical relationship with nature in the modern era. Hegel’s chapter “The Spiritual Kingdom of Animals and Deception; or the Crux of the Matter” is linked to
current discussions on the anthropocene and the deception of “greenwashing”. The main thesis is that in current discourses on nature the form of knowledge that Hegel called the “crux of
the matter” (die Sache selbst) is being reproduced and results in turning nature into a superficial brand. An aesthetic approach towards nature is used as a contrast against the practical
Keywords: Nature; Hegel; Phenomenology of Spirit; The Crux of the Matter.
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The unity of nature and the recovery of its experience. Schopenhauer and Bergson beyond Criticism
This article aims to approach Schopenhauer and Bergson in their attempt to go beyond the canons of criticism, to revalorise an access and closeness to nature that is no longer subject
to the subject-object relationship. This is the framework in which the importance of the experience of corporeity and durée respectively will be emphasised, but above all their
metaphysical implications, in which an alternative conception of the concept of nature and the relationship between man and nature itself is founded.
Keywords: Nature; Intuition; Anthropomorphism; Cosmos.
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Nature as relation. Phenomenological reflections on the relationship between humanity, nature and technology.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to propose a novel framework for rethinking the relationship between human and nature based on Merleau-Ponty’s ontology, transcending the dualist logic
that characterized Western philosophy. Beginning by examining the concepts of ‘wilderness’, ‘biodiversity’ and ‘technology’, the study exposes the limitations of current approaches, even
those that consider themselves solutions. To chart an alternative path, the paper introduces the post-human approach, which, while on the right direction, lacks radicality. To rethink
identity in a relational sense, integrating alterity as part of the dynamic formation of the self, the paper analyzes Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy, particularly his reflections about nature.
From this perspective, alterity, both natural and technological, is not disjointed but an essential part of humanity, integrating its activity, even technological ones, with the natural
soil from which it arises. Finally, relational ontology proves valuable for the ecological thought, recognizing nature and humanity as co-belonging.
Keywords: Nature; Relationality; Merleau-Ponty; Biodiversity; Wilderness; Technology.
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Naturalness: the necessary appearance of the real
Naturalness, worldliness, reality, urge us to reflect on the wholeness of the worldly relational experience in which we are. We must liberate the concept of nature, naturalness,
from the utilitarian way of considering it; just as we must liberate it from the indefiniteness of an infinite void to which vulgar spiritualisms want to force it. We must recover its
concreteness, its solidity and its ambientity. In it, everyone is redeemed.
Worldliness and concreteness, conscience, and life, always express the strength of our conscience that is called to understand the real to which man belongs. It is authentic realism
that underlies every authentic vision of the experience of consciousness that turns to nature. The authentic expression of reality does not forcibly push nature away because it
nevertheless returns and remains victorious. It is powerfully eloquent, present, concrete in that logic of truth and being from which no thought that wishes to call itself authentic and
authoritative can be distracted.
Keywords: Naturalness; worldliness; reality.
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A return to Nature to rediscover the value of the human? Notes on Schelling's philosophy of nature.
The philosophy of nature in Schelling has often been understood as a mere interlude in his thought. More recent studies have re-evaluated the theme of nature by understanding how it is
extended throughout Schelling's philosophy. Reintroducing the theme of nature in Schelling means confronting the question of the foundation and the relationship between the infinite and
existence. The question that emerges then is: what is the role of the human in nature?
Keywords: Schelling, Nature, God, Human Being, Life-Death.
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This essay seeks to bring together the different theoretical and aesthetic concepts concerning nature as found in the work of Emerson and Gadamer through the notion of a governing
relation between nature and humanity, one that retains its force in our contemporary Anthropocene culture. Beginning with an excursus into Emerson’s seminal Nature essay (1836) and its
depiction of a world of nature that is open both to human building and preservation, this essay contends that there is nevertheless in Emerson the spectral echo of an inaccessible essence
of the natural world that is both epistemological and ontological. Deeply skeptical of the technical determinism of his age, Gadamer’s hermeneutical explorations into the natural world
also rejects the objectification of the nature in favor of an understanding of nature that is deeply felt or conceived as an originary relation. Rather than embracing a Romantic longing
to return to a lost origin, both Emerson and Gadamer seem to offer ways of thinking and listening to nature within the defaced world of the Anthropocene.
Keywords: Transcendentalism; Emerson; Hermeneutics; Gadamer; Anthropocene; Nature; Relation; Aesthetics.
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The Structure of the Universe in Teilhard de Chardin and the “Coherence” of Reality. Conditions and Convergence of Natural History
The aim of this article is to present the cosmological reflection of the french paleon-tologist and jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955).
The universe is described as an evolving totality, in progression and directed to a final point of convergence, to which it naturally tends. There is constantly at work in it a universal
and natural law, which Teilhard names the “law of complexity-consciousness”, which postulates a correlation between the state of complexity of matter and the level of development of the
psychism associated with it. This defines the history of the cosmos in the terms of a universal natural history. The article first present the conditions that Teil-hard de Chardin poses
for this natural history. Next, it analyzes what he means by the term “evolution” and explains the law of complexity-consciousness. Finally, it analyzes the convergent structure of
evolution, and ending with a note on the rela-tionship between two closely related concepts: the coherence and infallibility of the universe.
Keywords: Teilhard de Chardin; Evolution; Natural History; Coherence; Conver-gence; Omega.
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The synthetic: the end of the epistemological-experiential paradigm of natural and artificial
Natural and artificial are the two classical categories used by philosophy in its history to interpret reality. These are no longer sufficient since the synthetic has begun to be part of
human life. The synthetic is becoming more and more a part of our lives: from laboratory-produced colours at the beginning of the 19th century, to an ever-increasing acceleration in recent
decades with in vitro meat (IVM) and the first laboratory-produced bacterium, Mycoplasma capricolum.
There is an increasingly urgent need to rethink the relationship between natural and artificial in the light of the synthetic, in order to better understand it and to interpret the
now-fragmented border between the two terms. The synthetic is inserted between the two by taking the form of an ambiguous reality: it does not differ from nature understood in either
intensive or extensive terms, but at the same time is the product of a process through which the artificial is normally produced.
The investigation takes the form of interdisciplinary and panoramic research, with tools particularly from philosophy and sociology, in order to better determine the three key concepts,
their relationships and show the need for a rethinking of the classical dualism between natural and artificial.
Keywords: synthetic; artificial; natural; dualism; interdisciplinary research.
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Nature and humanity in Hans Jonas' ethics of responsibility
The current situation of our contemporaneity presents us with a highly critical scenery. This condition of adversity arises from the way in which human beings conceive of themselves in
relation to nature. We live in the existential perspective that appeared at the dawn of the atomic age, in the middle of the last century. With the full maturation of the age of technique,
an immense capacity for action on reality has developed in our hands. This power now forces us to meditate on the responsibility deriving from the enormous power, that we exercise both on
our contemporaneity and on the intrinsic conditions of every possible posterity to come. In aid of this crucial commitment of thought and action, Hans Jonas proposes an itinerary of
reflection between the being of nature and the ought-to-be of humanity.
Keywords: Hans Jonas; Responsibility; Ethics, Ontology; Anthropology.
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Towards an ontology of revelation: between eternity and temporality
The aim of this paper is to explore a theoretical way of thinking the relationship between eternity and temporality from the perspective of an essential and mutual co-belonging.
In this direction, the article suggests an intepretation of Saint’Anselm’s ontological argument inspired from Pantaleo Carabellese’s thought, in which God’s revelation is conceived as the attestation of his immediate presence to consciousness, differently from the traditional view of an existential dimostration.
This position allows to propose a singular parallelism between Anselm’s ontological argument and Parmenides’ doctrine of being: the presocratic author gives, in fact, the first formulation of the identity between being and thinking, that represents the crucial element of Anselm’s theological proposal.
The same essential position could be also recognised in Baruch Spinoza’s thought: the dutch philosopher describes, actually, the human intellect as the “place” of God’s revelation like the only and infinite substance. In this context, Spinoza offers a particular vision of “eternal life”, not as a form of immortality that begins after death, but, on the contrary, as a special intellectual condition, an exceptional experience that could be realized during life itself.
Keywords: Ontology; Eternity; Temporality; Consciousness; Parmenides; Anselm; Spinoza; Nietzsche; Carabellese.
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Versiglioni Code. From natural language to mathematical language.
This contribution, which for the examination of the syntactic profiles refers to www.dirittomatematico.it, aims to illustrate some terminological profiles of the Versiglioni Code, the core code underlying the hypothesis of a
General theory of language characterized by Language with augmented truth. This hypothesis constitutes the implementation in a linguistic sense of the hypothesis of a General theory of law derived from a universal human
algorithm, the Norm of use of itself. The product of this norm is Mathematical law, a Family of sets able to contain and explain all existing law, that is, everything that a human being commonly calls law, whatever the
temporal and/or spatial context or the ethical and/or scientific significance of the different identity traditions (civil law, common law, law with truth, law without truth, etc.). At the same time, the essay aims to provide
an emblematic sample of the Versiglioni Dictionary set, which contains elements derived from the Versiglioni Code.
Keywords: Versiglioni code; Code; Natural language; Mathematical language; Digi-tal language; Mathematical law; Digital law; Artificial intelligence; Big data; Predic-tive justice; Codex; Qr code; Bar code; Smart contracts.
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